Head Office Cairns QLD. HIA Member QBCC 62479 07 4041 4450

Preventative Maintenance

Items that require preventative maintenance are generally covered through a well designed Maintenance Programme, but sometimes a programme will specifically exclude certain items, or a resort or commercial building owner may not have a programme in place. In which case it’s important to stay on top of maintenance items that, if not attended to, will result in expensive and disruptive repairs. Metal building components exposed to sea air are a good example.

Talk to us about keeping your critical building maintenance issues under control while a tailored Maintenance Programme can be implemented.

This Resort is taking advantage an Eclat Tailored Maintenance Plan
Proximity to tough Coastal Conditions means properly Managed Maintenance is key for this Resort









Industrial, Steelwork, Steel Repaint, Stripping Building, Renovation, Cairns, Port Douglas, Bathroom, En-suite, Painting, Éclat, Éclat, Marina Mirage, Villa Renovation, Builder, Far North Queensland, Painter Cairns, Painter FNQ, Esplanade, Mantra Esplanade, Repaint, Resort Repaint, Resort, Mantra, Hotel Renovation, Builders Cairns, Builders Port Douglas
Babinda Grandstand has used Protective Coatings Systems applied by Eclat to prevent the onset of Corrosion and ensure the longest life for this property
Sclat Tailors Protective Coatings Systems to meet the most demanding Conditions











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